How Did I Begin Blogging

Hi, beautiful people! Come on over because I've got a blast from my past to share with you all.

Picture this: Back when I was about 13 or 14, I had this crazy idea pop into my head. Everyone I knew was diving into the whole blogging scene, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was missing out.

It wasn't really peer pressure, more like that classic FOMO, you know? I practically lived online, reading tons of articles and posts. So, I thought, "Why not give this whole blogging thing a shot?"

And just like that, I started my own blog! Seriously, it happened quicker than a bolt of lightning LOL.

I can still remember those falling snow effects, those links that looked like they were straight out of a rainbow, and those blogs that were decked out in the prettiest shades of pink. And who could forget about Blogskin? Man, that was the coolest thing back then!

How Did I Begin Blogging

You know how I got into blogging because I practically lived online, right? Well, the other part of the story involves me scrolling through my friend's lovey-dovey blog posts about her boyfriend. I thought it was a thing, and a little voice in my head said, "Why not try it too?" So, I did. I'm easily intrigued, what can I say?

At first, my blog was pretty 'meh.' It was all about the usual stuff – my day-to-day life (or lack thereof, wink), my not-so-exciting love life (cue dramatic cough), and, well, that's about it. It was like my virtual journal or diary if you will, where I spilled my thoughts and feelings.

One word: CRINGE. 

Fast forward to today, and you'll find me here, pouring out my thoughts, swapping stories, and bonding with folks who share my interests. And hey, if I ever decide to stop blogging, I can't wait to entertain my kids with tales of my blogging escapades.

But that's not all – I absolutely love connecting with awesome people in this vast world. This space right here? It's where I learn, make mistakes, and hang out with some seriously rad bloggers.

So, what does blogging mean to me now?

Blogging's been my thing forever, you know? Sure, some folks might say it's a money pit, and hey, sometimes I'm dropping cash on beauty products just for a review. But hey, it's what fuels me, so no biggie spending some bucks. It's how I express myself, share my thoughts with the world.

I'm not THE blogger yet, not ready to go full-time with it. But man, wouldn't it be awesome to make a living out of this someday? That's the dream!

Anyway, I'm loving where my blog's at right now! Got my own little space online, pulling in crazy views each month (seriously, it's wild!), and connecting with awesome people I didn't even know existed. And trust me, I could go on and on about it all day!

So, I guess that's a wrap for now, but I really hope you enjoyed my story! I can't wait to share more posts down the road, even with all the craziness of college life keeping me busy. This blog means a lot to me, it's not just something I do on the side – it's a passion project! 

What is your blogging story? How did it all start?


  1. hey lenne, i start a blog just to test my writing abilities.. i like reading blog but never dare to own one... so some sort of self challenging giteww... but its to topup my wallet in case of emergency too =)

    1. hello zety! it's good to know how you started it all. keep it up and keep blogging gurl! i love your writings <3

    2. Aw, you're being sweet hehe. thank you zety :)

  2. I was introduced Blogger by one of my friend. Since then, I update almost everything about my life and love stories on my blog. Haha. I learned a lot of good things from being a Blogger, meet and make friends with new people and more. It feels so great!

    1. ikr. been there. it was like nothing to talk about back then apart from our life and love LOL -_- btw, it's awesome to know that syaza! keep blogging :)

  3. eh have pretty similar story as you on how i start blogging, hobi sebab spend too much time online lol

    1. bila dah main internet je 24/7 confirm nak try benda2 baru kan, that's why lah buat blog LOL

  4. Hi lenne.

    i used to have 3 blogs with a different purpose and i have deleted 2 of em so tinggal 1. Writing is not my passion but i love to keep all the memories of my life on something yg senang utk i baca balik. Dulu, ada boyfriend pun harus ada blog because i want to show him how i feel about our relationship. LOL, jiwang namatey. Then we broke up, kena la delete blog sekali sebab tak nak ingat cerita lama.

    Bila makin dewasa, rasa makin relaks. Blogging just for fun and sharing thoughts.
    That's all.

    You take care . =)

    1. hi zhi! aw, been there done that LOL. why dulu i fikir people deserve to know everything about my love life haih. btw, good to know all that stuff zhi. keep blogging <3

  5. Fatin start blogging sebab baru kenal dengan blogger2 famous time tu. Tengok blog diorang, macam eh best la pulak menaip entri kat blog ni. Tu yang terciptanya blog ni :)

    1. ikr! dulu-dulu tengok orang buat blog post, rasa macam nak jugak buat blog post hehehe :D

  6. Hai Lenne!! Azwar start berblog since form 5 lagi, pada awalnya memang story about myself, hometown, and share everything in my mind. Bila ada yang bagi respond, rasa best pula menaip.

  7. Hi azwa! Woah, lama jugak eh dah berkecimpung dalam dunia blog hehe. Part orang bagi respond tu memang betul! :D

  8. Hi Lenne ! Start ada rasa nak ada blog sendiri, dulu, sebab suka sangat menulis dan inspired dengan blogger2 yang blog diorang superb lawo. Tapi sekarang dah kurang nak menulis. Dan sekarang sebab dah sambung study, I cant find anyone yang saya boleh tell em everything so here comes the idea on start blogging again :) Plus, dlm berblogging i can make new friends :)

    1. Hi shafiqa! you're right. kita ni easily inspired dengan blogger2 awesome kat luar sana hehe. me, myself pun macam tu dulu but in my case, my friend lah yg buat i rasa nak berblog. keep blogging aye, i love reading your blog!

  9. hi lenne, eyja start blog masa form 4. masa tu duduk asrama, so blog ni mcm diary la kalau stress ke apa cite kt blog hahah ni semua influence dr kwn2 jugak sebab semua suka blogging time tuh.

    1. Hi eyja! macam sama pulak kes kita ni, pape hal semua cite kat blog LOL. masa tu budak budak lg kot. best lah ada kawan yg suka berblog jugak sbb lenne tak banyak pun yg suke berblog ni, sorang dua je hehe

  10. Gambateee! :D

    Me always that kind of lazy blogger, but now updating weekly, just for the sake to improve writing in english. hehe.

    1. Woah, weekly huh? i only blog bila betul betul ada masa >< it's good for you btw, practice makes perfect :)

  11. Loves blogging lifestyle so much ♡

  12. bile masuk uni baru sedar blog not only ur diary life :3

    1. yup, you can blog just about anything dah sekarang :)

  13. so i baru start blogging since hbis f5,,bosn sgt,tu trfikir nk buat blog,tp x bebrapa mahir lg,newbie😂

  14. I totally get you. Uni life can so hectic and fills with dateline. What got me into blogging is the idea of sharing and expressing. People use blog to express themselves...whether it is a love story, life update, List of things they want to achieve, or things they love, beauty tips, shopping haul, and so on. It is a platform where people open up and express themselves giving glimpse of their true-selves and i love blogs that i'm able to see their personality being put.

    1. soooo true! bloglovin is my best friend if i want to read something that is worth reading. they are all inspires me, i wanna be like them.

  15. started 100% blogging about personal life. baca balik entry lama-lama, feel like nak gelak kat diri sendiri, dengan bahasanya... hahaha. goin to delete all that. lol. and I'm trying to improve my blog. hope I can^^

    I love your blog anyway. hehehe

    1. me too! it was all about me back then and when i tried to re-read them all, i cringed lol. that's why i deleted my older blog and thank god i did it. best jugak rasanya like you have to start all over again kan, start from the bottom and rasa fresh gitu hehe.

      btw thanks Edrina! x

