Hello everyone!
So, I went to the theatre last Friday to watch The Conjuring 2 with my kid sister and my uncle's maid, Kak Sue. It was around 9:00 PM and I wasn't all prepared. I mean, I didn't book the tickets earlier so we didn't get the chance to watch it at 9 because it was FULL HOUSE! I didn't have any choice though, so I booked the 11:30 PM ticket. We had a karaoke session in between just to kill the time lol because we got like 2 hours before the movie started. After the karaoke session, we went for the arcade games there.

Gurl, I won the race haha!

Let's get on to the review! (No strong spoilers so no worries okay)

There hasn't been a better horror movie since The Conjuring (2013) came out. Well, at least for me. The time I saw The Conjuring 2 trailer on the television, I know that it won't disappoint me and I have to watch it no matter what happens. This time Ed and Lorraine Warren are charged with a new paranormal case in England. Mrs Hodgson, a single mother who is raising four kids and need help as their home is taken over by a demonic force.
the plus:
Ed and Lorraine Warren were so great as an on-screen couple. I love that when they handle such cases calmly. Talking about the crazy possessed girl in the movie, Janet Hodgson. She's so great and she's amazing! She seems like a nice little girl, then when she scares the crap out of you when she possessed, your jaw will drop and you'll be covering your face because it's hella scary. The jump-scare moment this time is no joke, y'all. It's even better than the first one.
I must say, there are lots to love about this movie! There are genuinely scary moments, those unexpected creepy scenes and when the background music goes silent and when you think something is about to happen but it doesn't, I love it! The tactic never gets old. I get chills everywhere but it turns out nothing really happens lol. That forces me to be ready at all times. By ready I mean to cover up my face with the popcorn box haha!
the minus:
There's almost nothing bad to say about this film. I love it so much! But, I think it would be much love if they reveal the reasons why the demon keeps haunting the family and what makes it so evil and not just focus on the scares that the demon does. I almost lost my voice screaming like crazy in the theatre.
The Conjuring 2 is a great horror movie and really scary at so many points. It's even better than the first one. The scare is no joke this time y'all have to see it for yourself. The showtime is a tad bit longer than I expected, my mom waited for more than 30 minutes to pick us up. Other than that, it's definitely worth watching and worth your money. Oh and lack of sleep too, because I imagined Valak is somewhere in my room (I know it's crazy but that's that) haha. I give it 4/5 stars.
4 over 5 stars because I love very very much but lacking a star because I almost lost my voice due to screaming. Conjuring 2 is sure to supply just enough scare for y'all y'know. So, have you seen it? What are your thoughts on it and how does it compare to the first one? Let me know! Till then x
i've seen the movie trailer and i can't wait to watch the full movie wahaha XD i love Conjuring 1 as well, the plot was really nice and i got nightmares after watching Conjuring 1 hehehe~~ thumb up for Conjuring 1 and 2 :)
ReplyDeletego watch it ceri! it won't disappoint you :D
DeleteEeeeee geramnya! Fatin nak kena pi tengok jugak ni! Hehehe. Dok plan dari haritu lagi nak pergi tengok tapi tak jadi lagi plan tu. Weekend ni kena jugak pi tengok :D
ReplyDeleteweekend ni make sure plan fatin jadi okeh! then boleh share ur thoughts pasal conjuring 2 :D
Deleteomg dah tengok! dah tengok! Takdek la terkejut sgt mcm yg lain cakap2. for me tak seram gt pun :') huhu. Valak the best!
ReplyDeletei memang penakut but pelik juga dengan myself kenapa suka tengok cerita seram. valak tu lah yg buat kita susah tidur malam hahaha
DeleteSounds interesting. haha. Cant wait to watch this! =)
ReplyDeletei memang suka horror film so ni memang major success punya film bagi i hehe nanti buatlah review, kita baca okay :D
Deletei have watch it too! but the overall movie wasn't quite scary as i want to be haha
ReplyDeleteaw i've read a few reviews yg cakap memang tak berapa nak seram and whatnot but it scares the shit out of me haha
Deletemau tengokkkk TT.TT
ReplyDeletego go go sementara masih available huhu nanti dah tengok, bolehlah buat review! ^_^
Deleteeveryone talking about this!
ReplyDeletehahahhahaha, i dont really like scary/horror movies T^T
should i watch?? XD
LOL ya sebab benda baru lagi kan so memang jadi hot topic juga. btw, you don't know if you don't try hehe you can give it a try lah who knows you'll like it? :)
DeleteHi dear! Nice review..! Btw, just done follow ur blog. Follow back..? :p