Hey everyone! If you haven't heard about liquid lipstick yet, where have you been? It's everywhere now! Every brand has their own version, and it's amazing. You know, the ones that stay put all day, feel great, and come in so many fun colors? I just love it!
So, when it comes to wearing liquid lipstick, I have a few tips. I'm not an expert, but these are things I've learned from my own experiences and a lot of reading. My love for lip products is huge, so here's what I've found works for me.
A little goes a long way
When I say "a little goes a long way," I mean you really don't need much because liquid lipstick is super pigmented. One or two strokes is enough. I usually wipe off the wand on the inside of the tube before applying. This gives me more control and makes it go on smoothly without flaking. Plus, it helps me save product, so it lasts a lot longer.
I take my time applying it
You can't just slap on liquid lipstick in 5 seconds. You need patience, lots of it. Here's what I do: I grab my little mirror and apply it slowly and smoothly. Sometimes, if I really gotta, I use my finger. Just take your time! Don't rush, or you'll end up with a messy finish and probably get it on your teeth. And trust me, that's not cute.
Lip balm is my best friend
You know how some liquid lipsticks can really dry out your lips? It's like, you try them all and they're just not the same. Some make my lips feel all cracked and dry, while others are super hydrating. And don't even get me started on how some emphasize every tiny line on my lips! But hey, even with all their differences, I still dig each one for what it brings. That's where lip balm swoops in to save the day! Whenever my lips feel parched and tight, I just slap on some lip balm over the liquid lipstick. My go-to? Definitely Klavuu's lip balm. It's the bomb!
Exfoliate is key
When you're putting on liquid lipstick, you want your lips to be super smooth and lush, right? You definitely don't want to slap it on when your lips are all cracked and dry. So, why not grab whatever lip scrub or exfoliator you've got lying around and give your lips a gentle scrub? I'd say do it at least 15 minutes before you put on your liquid lipstick. That way, you'll get the best results and avoid any flakiness.
*Some links used are affiliated links, which allows me to earn a small commission when you buy the product using my link. No commission is earned through clicking links. I'm not being paid to mention any specific brand in this post. Thank you for supporting the content that makes my blog possible.
Pernah try liquid lipstick but then I cant stand with it sebab my lips dry like sahara desert. I pakai kissproof pun tak berapa selesa, ni kan pula liquid lipstick.
ReplyDeletei know gurl! it can be really drying. maybe you can try to use lip balm before applying the liquid lipstick but make sure to wipe them off or else they will look streaky and not cute hehe. i always do that!
Deleteanyway, kissproof doesn't apply smoothly on my lips anymore. they're chunky, streaky ugh that's why i didn't use them anymore.
Hm but I usually wear with naked face.. Dayana jenis yang malas nak makeup. Letak bedak and lipstick je kalau keluar haha. But the lipstick must be matte. Tak suka yang moist punya hehe
ReplyDeleteahaa that's okay Dayana. personal preferences :) Lenne fikir macam tu sebab ntah la, i think dia tak sesuai utk "low-maintainance" look hehe but it's okay kalau nak pakai liquid lipstick je. Lenne pun prefer matte finishes when it comes to lip products :)
DeleteAll the points stated are ao true! Ni doubt. I prefer liquid lipstick now over the nirmal lipstick since it is long lasting. My fav liquid lipstick would be Shade Dough by Hanis Zalikha. It's really nice and doesn't make my lips dry at all 😊
ReplyDeleteSorry, lots of typo there. Ugh, blame my fingers 😅
Deletei have yet to try shade dough, best tak? nak try but MYR50+ for a tube? errr i kena fikir masak masak haha
Deletei always apply lip balm before applying my liquid lipstick otherwise my lips will be really dry.
ReplyDeleteyup, that's right Zety! i'll make sure to wipe off the lip balm before applying the liquid lipstick otherwise it looks streaky and uneven T.T
DeleteLenne i suka MAC matte lipstick sejak tu dah tak pakai liquid lipstick dah. but i nak Kat Von D Lolita! soon hehehe.
ReplyDeletePS: bila you nak pakai disqus semua orang dah pakai k :P
oh yes KVD Lolita! they're gorgeous T.T lol erin :p
DeleteI like the way to sort the points ! I was like reading a magazine you know.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with all of your points. Lip balm is so important and I don't like liquid lipstick that create small lines on my lips
haha thanks Anys! lip balm is like a lifesaver for my lips and yes, i hate it when liquid lipstick does that to my lips too. hmph!
Deletemy fave liquid lipstick from colourpop shade bumble and donut ! uml.so nice.
ReplyDeleteoh i love those colors! 😍
DeleteFinger cross to this.. hopefully this would the last alternative for me to comment.. kalau tak boleh jugak, goodbye comment.. Q_Q
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely in love with liquid lipstick but not from Elianto as they made my lips drier compared to others..
okay can I jump now? XD salam kenal from me.. :3
Deletehaha yay! dah boleh! 😃 how come? anyway, i have never tried liquid lipstick from Elianto. as a matter of fact, i tak tahu pun Elianto ada their own liquid lipstick haha. maybe i akan try that one :)
Deletesekarang i pakai liquid lipstick je sbb nampak moisturizing and the one i am wearing everyday is by Kat Von D. i dont have to wear lip balm and it also stay lama je kat bibir.
ReplyDeleteme too! it's literally my first pick now. oh KVD, is it good? might wanna try them someday! :)
DeleteMrs. A dah pernah cuba liquid lipstick tapi tak suka better stay yang biasa aje
ReplyDeletei see. it's okay, Lenne pun faham jugak sebab liquid lipstick tend to dry the lips more than regular lipstick yg matte finish :)
DeleteBV suka lip tint sebab nampak natural je. dan sekarang femes lip cream matte kan. dah cuba jugak, memang kena pakai lip balm :D
ReplyDeleteya, i remember BV pernah cakap BV suka lip tint kan hehe. Lenne pun suka! nak nampak BV pakai liquid lipstick pleaseee heheee
DeleteExfoliating before I apply liquid lipstick is a total must have for me! Otherwise my lips flake really quickly XD Thanks for all the tips!
ReplyDeleteMili | Sharmtoaster
you're so right! i hate it when my lips be flaking like crazy! anyway, no sweat :)
DeleteFor me, personally, as I am a super duper lazy person ever alive on earth especially bila bab2 penjagaan wajah and such, I always apply lip balm sebelum tidur so that bangun pagi tu my lips is not hydrating like hell. Btw, my fav liquid lipstick is Donut from Colourpop and Brick from Dose Of Colours :)
ReplyDeleteoh totes! that works too! sometimes i like to rotate between my lip ice lip balm with vaseline.
DeleteDonut and Brick is such a pretty color though :)