How I Overcame My Blogging Funk

How I Overcame My Blogging Funk

Hey there, lovely people! Can you believe how long it's been since we last caught up!? Life got pretty hectic lately, and if I'm being real, a smidge of laziness crept in, causing this blog to take an unintentional nap hehe. School and life, no mercy too. I had so many post ideas bouncing around in my head, but you know how it goes...

  • Life gets in the way. You know how it goes, right? Life is always throwing something at us 24/7! And let's be real, blogging takes time. If it's not paying the bills, it's totally cool to take a break from your blog.
  • Too much pressure. You know, I've got to be honest here—blogging sometimes feels like a bit of a job or a chore for me. It takes away the fun from it, you know? I catch myself using excuses like "I don't feel like blogging" or "I'm just not in the mood today." It's like there's this unspoken competition in the blogging world, with people sharing amazing stuff regularly, and here I am, doing nothing, girl. Not a great sign, right?
  • I feel like I have 'not good enough' post ideas. Even though I've got loads of good blog post ideas swirling around in my mind and jotted down in my notebook, I can't help but wonder, "Is it worth talking about?" or "Will anyone actually give it a read?" It's like I've reached a point where I'm overthinking a SIMPLE post.
  • Not having enough time. One of the main reasons it's been crickets lately is because life has been super busy. It's like a never-ending cycle of craziness, and sadly, it leaves me with hardly any time to blog.

Now you know why it's been radio silent up in here. But fear not! There are ways to revive the good times and patch things up with my beloved blog. Truth is, I really enjoy...

  • Reading blogs that inspire me. Well, when it comes to this, I've gotta give it to Bloglovin'—it's my go-to! Even on days when I'm not really feeling up to blogging, scrolling through posts from my favorite bloggers on Bloglovin' somehow sparks my creativity. I've got a bunch of awesome bloggers in my follow list, and it really does the trick when I need that extra push to get back into the blogging groove.
  • Just taking a break. Honestly, it's totally 100% fine to take a break from blogging. There are moments when I feel a bit overwhelmed and drained, and finding the right time can be a challenge. I used to stress about stepping back from blogging, but I've come to realize that I don't need to push myself so hard. It's perfectly okay to take a break, and I've learned to embrace that.
  • Making a list. I actually jot down all the things I love about blogging in my little notebook. Why? Because it helps me zero in on the positive stuff and rediscover the joy in blogging! I've got this thing for making lists, you know? Once I'm done, I read them over and over until I'm all smiles. Only then does my brain kick into gear, and I can dive back into the world of blogging with a fresh perspective. It's my little ritual, and it works like a charm!

Anyone else been in a blogging rut? Share your secrets for shaking it off!


  1. I'm in the slump rn. I literally kept on posting so my blog won't look dead instead of you know, have fun.

  2. Ughh I feel like I've been in a slump these days but my recent post was literally three days ago. Haha!

  3. Im having so many drafts. Too lazy to finish those posts haha

  4. the right post in the moment i need it! thanks!

    1. are you stuck in a blogging slump too BV? haha! anyway you're welcome xx

  5. I'm unemployed and goyang kaki je kat rumah so I have ample time to blog. I'll say laziness took over me sometimes. haha

    I sometimes having the pressure to blog too and it made me hate blogging. So taking a break from blogging is a good thing to do to avoid the hate-ness.

    1. that happened to me quite a few times too when I took a year gap from school! haha

      it's very okay to take a break from blogging or else you'll hate it more, right? hihi

  6. Umm.. This would just be my two cents and please don't take me wrong eh.. Well, I don't want to feel the burden of updating the blog.. I mean, it's our blog, and we control it of our own so why must we pressure ourself? It's not a compulsory afterall, so taking a break is fine, Lenne.. So don't pressure yourself and just take the break when u need it..

    1. I sometimes think about the quality of a content, I don't know maybe it's just me. that's why I tend to get that pressure in me but like I said it's just a blog post, no need to over think and whatnot. I'm sooo dramatic over everything haha

  7. At the moment i am too tired and too sleepy most of the days haha

    1. aw cuz you have other important commitments like work haha I think that's okay :)

  8. Draft banyak tapi pending gitu jela. Masa takde, dan takde mood. Yes, mood mainkan peranan penting to update blog kan :) Siqah kadang-kadang risau juga kalau lama tak update blog, kang orang lupa kita. Hehe. Tapi nak buat camne, kalau dah takde mood :)

    So takpelah, sometimes maybe we need a break from blogging ;D Tak mahu pressure okay dear. Relax je. Hihi. Join siqah, jom kita relax :D

    P/s: dah tengok Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan ke? 😊

    1. you're right, Siqah. banyak post yg terkandas dalam draft and sometimes lenne malas nak edit and lenne buat lagi post baru haha.

      mood memang play an important role kalau nak blog sebab ntah lah, lenne rasa readers boleh detect that kita not in the mood based on the content yg kita publish kat blog hihi.

      BTW, lenne tak tengok lagi T.T nak tengokkk omg mesti nangis punya haha

  9. I have lots of drafts but at the same time, I have lots of posts that have been scheduled so I dont need to worry but still, the draft is untouch

    1. ah that's so good! so good for your blog. at least you have them scheduled, I wish I can do that but I don't know. if I do such things I might worry that my posts aren't that 'fresh' anymore yknow what I'm saying? haha but keep doing you! xx

  10. Hi there! You're not the only one experiencing Blogging slump haha
    maybe we are just busy on our lives and It's true it requires a lot of time to blog
    but anyway keep on blogging! keep on inspiring!


    1. hello! yeah bcs life comes first, right? hehe you too! xx

  11. This post is so relatable!


    One way that I drag myself to blog is just like what you said, explore through Pinterest and blogwalking while listing out topics I'm interested in. It's really important that they're compatible with me. Like I can relate to the topic so I can write it the best I can.


    1. Yup, platforms like so can go a long way. I mean, they helped a lot!

  12. Yes!!! I do have blogging slump most of the time. Hihi.

    How I overcome it ? I just take my own sweet time. Yes by reading blogs from bloglovin because it much more convenience . Then , when the idea come bammmm I just write . Hahaha

    1. It's a blogger thing haha! Always in a blogging slump. Bloglovin' is the way to go, am I right? xx

