I've got this routine I follow every time I sit down to blog. It's been my go-to since day one, and you know what? It hasn't changed a bit! Today, I wanted to spill the beans on my blogging routine with all of you. It's nothing too fancy or complicated, just my simple approach that gets the job done for me.
Step 1: Planning
It kicks off with a plan! I'm a big fan of planning – it keeps me on track. I'm all about being organized, and honestly, I thrive when things are mapped out. Before I dive into my blog, I take a moment with my trusty blogging notebook. I scribble down what's on my mind, what I want to share. Yep, I'm old-school – I jot things down. But you know what? It totally works for me!
Step 2: Writing
Once I jot down all the details and points, I dive into the writing part!
But first, tea! Lots and lots of cuppa :)
Anyway, I just prefer getting my thoughts down first before capturing the visuals through photography. Writing a post tends to stretch out because I go through it meticulously, reading and re-reading to catch any spelling or other errors before hitting that 'Publish' button.
I want to be completely happy with what I've created, ensuring the quality gets a thumbs up from me. Once I'm content with the result, I save it as a draft and shift my focus to the visuals and photography.
Step 3: Photography
I snap all my blog pics with my phone – just like you've probably noticed by now. Then, I jazz them up using these awesome apps. Honestly, taking photos is a bit of a rollercoaster for me. It's a blast, super fun, but also a bit tiring, you know? Getting those angles just right is no joke, and don't even get me started on dealing with the weather!
But anyway, once I'm thrilled with how the pics turned out, I pop them onto the post and give them some TLC – adjusting Alt tags and all that good stuff. It's the finishing touch to make sure everything looks just right.
Step 4: Sharing and promoting
I usually like to schedule my blog post around 10 in the morning – no real reason, it just feels right. Once it's out there for a few hours, I will share it on all my social media. My go-to platforms are Instagram and Twitter!
This is basically how I go about my blogging – it's quite straightforward, I admit. I really look up to those who've got their blog posts all sorted and ready for months ahead. It's just fantastic, so keep doing your thing! Oh, and wishing a warm and blessed Ramadan to all my Muslim friends out there! <3
nadia tak tahu either I have a blogging routine ke tak . Selalu if idea kuar je tiba2 baru type dlm draft then biar kan dlu sbb idea dah habis tue kdg2 ada je entri tg pending lama dlm draft . Hahahha .
ReplyDeleteAgree !!!! Nadia suka part ambik gmbr walaupun kdg2 susah nak dptkan one perfect photo but it was fun <3
Nadia jrg share link dlm my twitter accout, cuma certain entri nadia rasa nak share in twitter nadia kan share . =)
Salam Ramadhan Mubarak to you too~ =)
Laaa yeke haha. But if it works on you Nadia, boleh je carry on 😅
DeleteAmbil gambar is always tiring, but ya no doubt it's fun!
Lenne dulu pun tak pernah nak share/ promote but Lenne terbaca kat blog orang lain that it's one of the effective ways utk drive crazy traffic kat blog and it's indeed effective :)
Salam ramadhan al-mubarak utk Nadia and family! ❤
i love your picture dear.. what app do you use? can share?
Thanks! I use Snapseed and VSCO :) Insya Allah I will talk about it more in a blog post later xx
DeleteI don't have a specific blog routine. haha :')
ReplyDeleteHaha that's okay, you are not required to have a blogging routine 😅 This is just how I am. I feel more organized this way.
DeleteDon't think i have a blog routine tho hahah. Only update when i feel like updating it :p
ReplyDeleteHaha that's alright. I have a blogging routine pun sebab I can't go on blogger and write what I want right away. I just can't haha
DeleteI wouldn't call it a routine but when I need good ideas for a new blog post, I would occasionally go blogwalking and scroll down Pinterest. Just to get inspired!
ReplyDeleteThat works too! In my case, it's always Bloglovin' :)
DeleteI also love writing ideas down on my note book! I'm definitely going to try writing 'my latest blog post' on my next one. Also you didn't mention, what apps do you use to edit your photos! :)
ReplyDeleteJuliet x
The Science Behind Beauty
I'm well aware it's old-fashioned but it works, am I right? And yeah, you definitely can give it a try! Oh it's Snapseed and VSCO! Probably forgot to mention about that, thanks for reminding me! xx
DeleteNice sharing,
ReplyDeleteI dont have any blog routine coz i enter the letter first. Lol !
But this posting ja really helpful for those who are wanting to go to another step in blogging. But my work schedule is my biggest challenge in blogging
Thank you Zety!
DeleteHaha I'm so jealous of you people who can go straight to blogger and just type what you want T.T
I hope it really helps :) Aww, it sure does. Work sometimes can be overwhelming too.
I don't have any blog routine.. It's normally just write and publish.. ._.
ReplyDelete*jelly* haha! That's probably everyone's blogging routine though lol.
DeleteMy blog routine - part jot down tu, samalah kita 😊 siqah biasa akan tulis dulu mana2 point atau topik yang nak ditulis di blog, tapi lepas tu, nak siapkan satu entri biasanya akan mengambil masa yang agak lama. Jot down rajin, bab nak siapkan entri agak malas sikit. Hehe.
ReplyDeleteSiqah suka juga part ambil gambar! Kadang2 dalam 10 gambar, 1 je boleh pakai. Haha. Tapi it was fun! 😊
Siqah share link blog kat Twitter just direct post daripada Bloglovin. Hee. Tak tahulah berkesan ke tak tu 🤔😅
Selamat berpuasa Lenne 😘
Yay ada geng lagi hehe. Betullah tu Siqah, kadang part tulis tu rajin tapi nak type tu malas.
DeleteYup, it was fun. Totally boleh improve from there, kan? One day mesti boleh pro punya lah hehe.
That one works too, Siqah. Ramai jugak yg buat macam tu and boleh tingkatkan traffic kat blog :)
Anyway, selamat berpuasa jugak utk Siqah and family ❤