Hey there! If you didn't already know, yep, I snapped all my photos with my trusty smartphone. No fancy DSLR or compact camera in sight, though I've got my eyes on an Olympus Pen (daydream alert!)
I spend hours and hours tinkering with editing because, let's be real, my pics need a lot of TLC. They're not exactly the best, but hey, they're the best for me. The secret? Two things: good lighting and the best photo apps!
Just thought I'd dish out a little treat for ya!
Snapseed is my go-to photo editing app, no doubt about it. It's like my photo BFF. It's totally free, plus it comes with cool filters and awesome basic editing tools. There's this nifty brush tool too, where you can tweak things like exposure, saturation, temperature, and even do some dodging and burning. Super handy stuff!
I use Snapseed all the time, especially when I want to get that perfect white background in my photos. You know how lighting can be a bit tricky sometimes. Shoutout to the genius who created this app! If you're on the hunt for a simple editing app that pretty much has it all, give Snapseed a shot.
Personally, I like to do my first round of edits on Snapseed and then add the finishing touches with VSCO. Just so you know, I usually skip the filters AKA presets (although they're all pretty decent) because they can be a bit much. And I think, VSCO's sharpening and tint tools are pretty solid compared to other apps. Just my two cents!
Phonto is my go-to whenever I want to jazz up my photos with some text. I've stuck with Phonto for years now – it's super handy. Even if you're just starting out, you won't struggle much with it. It's a breeze to use, and you'll catch on in no time. Plus, you can have your favorite fonts installed in the app – there are loads to choose from their own font library though, but I like just like to have more fonts from DaFont!
Ohh Siqah suka Snapseed!! Magic tool tau. Paling suka bab brightness 😍 Siqah tak minat sangat vsco, kadang2 ada jugak edit kat situ. Usually guna preset S1 - S3
ReplyDeleteLenne pun suka! Hehe. Best kan Snapseed? Lenne tak berapa nak letak filter kat gambar gambar but I know, preset tu memang lawa. Tu yang kena purchase tu kan, Siqah?
DeleteSnapseed best! Siqah paling suka Snapseed untuk edit gambar. Haah filter S1-S3 kena beli. Siqah beli semua preset, tapi guna yang sama je 😅
DeleteSnapseed memang best! Kalau dah expert pakai tu, memang tak pakai lain lah sebab all in one dah. Bestnya dapat pakai semua preset! Hehehe S1-S3 tu memang famous, auntie Lenne suka guna untuk filter gambar makanan hehe
Deletevsco and phonto are bae ^^
ReplyDeleteI know right!!
DeleteAirah slalu guna vsco je.fav sbb banyak filter kat situ and senang adjust
ReplyDeleteLenne prefer guna Snapseed first, then baru edit edit sikit kat VSCO. Tak pandai sangatlah nak edit kat VSCO sebab jadi macam tak natural and over edited. Ajar Lenne lah, Airah hehehe ^^
DeleteSetuju cakap Lenne. Kalau edit guna VSCO, Siqah tak pandai jugak sebab gambar jadi tak natural dan macam over edited. Tu yang biasa guna S1-S3 je =D
DeleteAda je yang edit nampak lawa guna VSCO but kalau Lenne kena banyak practice dulu lah hehehe :D
Deletemy fav are snapseed and vsco. suka dedua sebab senang nak edit gambar. :D
ReplyDeleteKan BV? Lenne tau sebab nampak dari gambar BV yang vibrant tu semua confirm edit kat VSCO punya. BV edit cantiklah ^^
DeleteIm only using them both, vsco and snapseed :D
ReplyDeleteThey're the best! Next time try Phonto pulak k hehe ^^
DeleteNadia pun ada and pakai snapseed and vsco and phonto .
ReplyDeleteTapi if gmbr Nadia amik tue dah cantik just nak terangkan je , Nadia edit skit pakai iphone photo tools je . That's y now jarang dah pakai snapseed except if gmbr tue mmg gelap sgt mmg kena edit lah . Vsco jrg pakai tapi ada pakai if Nadia nak gmbr tue bagi different effect .
Phonto pakai utk add watermark Nadia je hihi.
Nice tips !!!! <3
Iphone photo tools dia boleh tahan bagus jugak kan. Lenne ada sorang kawan suka edit gambar kat situ je.
DeleteAah, phonto basically utk watermark Lenne jugak hehehe.
Thanks Nadia! <3
Mine are snapseed, vsco and lightroom. hehe.
ReplyDeleteWow sy pernah guna snapseed & vsco saja.. tp skrg edit guna laptop saja ..haha
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful! highend retouching