10 Simple Tips to Boost Your Blogging Game

10 Simple Tips to Boost Your Blogging Game

I've been blogging for a while now, but I wouldn't call myself an expert – I'm still learning as I go. There's still so much I'm figuring out.

But hey, I've picked up a few tricks along the way, and I wanted to share them with you today. Just remember, these are just ideas; there's no right or wrong way to blog. I know there are tons of posts like this out there, but I hope this gives you some inspiration for your own blogging journey.

Blog at your own tempo

I used to think I had to blog every single day, but you know what? That's not true at all! When you push yourself too much, it just becomes a drag. Blogging stops being fun and starts feeling like work. So, here's my advice: only blog when you feel like it, write when you really want to. It's totally okay to take a break from blogging because it can get overwhelming sometimes.

Write how you talk

Don't worry about using fancy English or sounding all formal like you're writing a college essay—that's just weird. If you want your blog to feel real and personal, just write it how you talk every day. If you're someone who loves cracking jokes in regular conversations, go ahead and toss those jokes into your blog too! Just be yourself!

Have catchy titles

Catchy titles are like magnets for readers! Take Siobhan and Eileen, for example – they're champs at coming up with titles that make you wanna click. But here's the thing – no one likes clickbait, it's just plain annoying. Alright? So, check out blogs that make you click on every post. They're the ones with the coolest titles and awesome content!

Write what you want to read

Writing should be fun most of the time. It's your chance to bring your imagination to life, creating stories and worlds you can share with others. If you want people to love your writing, you've gotta love it yourself first. So, just write what you'd enjoy reading and don't stress about the rest!

Planning is key

Many bloggers don't really map out their posts, and some don't plan at all. It's like they can't wait to dive in or they think planning is just a waste of time. But you know what? Planning makes writing WAY smoother, and the more you plan, the less you have to edit. Plus, deciding what you want to write about can spark a bunch more ideas as you go along with your blog post!

Spread the word! Share your awesome blog!

Seriously, you've gotta share your blog on socials! Trust me, it makes such a difference. I know it can feel a bit weird at first, but the things that can happen are so awesome. Connecting with people all over the world is amazing, and the blogging community is just so supportive. So, don't stress about it too much – give your blog the shout-out it deserves! I've got readers from all over thanks to Twitter. How cool is that?

Reply to all comments  

You know, thinking back to when I started blogging, there's this one thing I wish I'd known right off the bat. I used to just read the comments and never bother replying. Can you believe I even turned off comments once because I thought it looked bad? What was I even thinking?!

But seriously, chatting with your readers is a game-changer. It's like building this awesome friendship with them. I mean, who wants to miss out on that? If someone drops a sweet comment on your blog, just reply them back. Okay? It's like a virtual high-five! Personally, I love it when bloggers reply to my comments. It makes me want to keep coming back for more of their stuff. So, yeah, never underestimate the power of replying to comments. It's a win-win!

Proofread, triple check for mistakes/errors

I totally get it, sometimes proofreading feels like a ton of work, but trust me, it's super important for us perfectionists who spot every little typo in a blog post – I swear I was born that way T.T

Have fun

I personally think blogging should be fun, like something you really look forward to. If it starts stressing you out and isn't fun anymore, maybe take a breather and think about why you're doing it. You can't force it; that just doesn't work.

Don’t give up and never stop blogging 

I totally get how discouraging it can be when your blog stats don't seem to move, and you feel like you're your own blog's biggest cheerleader. But hey, there's nothing wrong with that! Just remember, real success takes time – it's like they say, Rome wasn't built in a day! If you love what you're doing, don't give up on it.

What are your favorite blogging tips?


  1. Nice tips! I should follow your tips (but maybe not all, especially no 6 huhu)

    1. Ya, it's okay you can skip around 😅 #6 is so powerful. The power of social media is just mind-blowing xx

    2. Hehe I can't do number 6 as well. I am okay if people accidentally find my blog after searching around but it feels a bit awkward for me to share on socmed especially FB (with the MOST audience) haha


    3. I don't go to facebook anymore, Hanis. I prefer twitter. I knowww, it feels awkward at first but I love the blogging community on twitter bcs I can totally 'clicked' with them instantly and they're so nice with newbies hihihi 😄

  2. Hi Ucing singgah dari segmen mia liana (^_^).Selamat berpuasa...

  3. nice tips! nombor 7 tu betul, dulu saya jarang reply komen org, sekarang insaf dah haha :D

    malu sikit nk letak link blog kat ig, twitter, fb >< taktaula smpai bila nk jadi camni hahaha. maybe sbb pengisian kt blog saya kurang memberi motivation pada org, tu yg malu tuu hehe

    1. Betul tu, lenne dulu malas nak reply comment tau. Biar je macam tu. Sekarang ni rajin dah haha.

      Haha 😅 cuba dulu baru tahu. Tak rugi pun wakk :D

  4. Pun begitu, susah sanggat nak cari mood untuk berblog haha thankyou Lenne for the tips!

    1. Haha! I'd say just look into what inspires you now, maybe that helps. Anyway, you're welcome! :)

  5. I love blogs with at least one catchy picture :D


    1. Oh that's right! I can totally relate but I can't even take one good, catchy image lol

  6. Nice tips , dear ~ .... Nadia mmg selalu ada problem utk no 2 and 3 . Nak cari title lah paling pening. Hahaha. So end up my post title selalu boring rasanya . As for no 2 , agree jugak dgn Lenne . Gaya penulisan tue pun mainkan peranan . Nadia admit kadang penulisan nadia mcm robot pun ada tak tahu kenapa . =(

    Idea? And mood ? Hmmm... bila dtg blogging slump mmg mls gila nak update blog . Tapi bila idea mencurah2 time tue lah up entry everyday bila ada peluang sbb tak tahu bila lagi mood akan dtg hahaha =p

    I think I need to improve more . Lenne rasa blog Nadia apa yg perlu improve ? =) plssss bg suggestion . <3

    1. Betul tu Nadia, nak letak title pun pening nak letak apa so that it sounds interesting and unique.

      Kalau gaya penulisan tu, Lenne anggap macam tengah bercakap dgn orang je bila type blog post sebab ntah lah. Rasa selesa that way hehe.

      I know, kalau tengah dlm blogging slump tu parah jugak sometimes berminggu2 tak update. But that doesn't mean kita tak boleh buat benda lain selain writing a blog post :)

      Blog Nadia dah okay dah bagi Lenne tau. Lenne ni yg banyak kena improve haha!

    2. I like your blog dear . Even Nadia tak sempat nak blogwalking every day. Sorry =,(

    3. Aww, that's okay! Lenne pun suka blog Nadia tau <3

  7. Lenne! Semua tips sangat berguna okay. Siqah bookmark jugak post ni <3

    Siqah setuju dengan semua points Lenne!

    1. Only blog when you're in mood - Kalau ada blogging slump, memang tak boleh buat apa lah kan. Kadang2 masa ada tapi mood nak menaip tu tiada. Dan bukan senang nak menaip siapkan satu entri. Hanya blogger saja tahu kan. Hee. Siqah biasanya anggap siqah tengah bercerita. Kadang2 rasa syok sendiri jugak. Tapi gasaklah. Hehe.

    2. Jot down ideas - selalu buat! Letak dalam notes dulu, then bila ada mood baru siapkan entri.

    3. Catchy title - I saw my name 😍 Thank you Lenne. Siqah susah nanye nak pilih blog post title. Berkali2 tukar gak kadang2. Hee.

    4. Never stop blogging!! - yes, agree much!! Yang penting jangan stop blogging. Blog peribadi adalah untuk simpan kenangan kita. Dan itu yang siqah sentiasa ingat untuk berterusan blogging =)

    Panjang pulak komen siqah. Hee <3

    1. Aww, thank you Siqah!

      Tahu takpa. Berminggu minggu jugak tu. Sometimes dalam sebulan sekali je update nya sebab 'not in the mood' hehe.

      Rasa best bila tulis dalam notes first and then baru type kat blog. It doesn't work with some people but definitely works on me haha

      Tbh, even Lenne tengah malas tu nak baca post orang lain and comment, but bila nama Siqah je naik Lenne terus tekan and baca. Sebab apa? Sebab tajuk tu main peranan penting and IMO Siqah pandai letak tajuk yg 'grab' attention. Tajuk je dah best, bila baca mesti lagi best <3

      Betul tu! Bila baca balik blog sendiri, memang takda rasa nak quit blogging even though blogging untuk self satisfaction je and not for money whatsoever.

      Siqah selalu je comment panjang panjang tapi Lenne suka! xx

  8. Setuju sangat, semangat berblog meluap-luap 😍😍

