Today, I'm excited to open up about the rollercoaster ride I've been on while trying to find my way into the wonderful world of blogging. You know, a lot of people out there seem to have this idea that blogging is a walk in the park, that being a blogger is all smooth sailing.
Well, let me tell you, it's quite the opposite. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out like me, the blogging journey can be a real challenge. So, let's dive right in and explore the hurdles I've encountered on my blogger's path.
Blogging, you see, involves a ton of photography. Now, being a full-time student, I don't have any fancy, high-end DSLR gear or any of those top-notch gadgets. Nope, I shoot everything on my trusty Samsung smartphone. Then, I give my photos a little TLC using my go-to editing apps, because, well, I want them to look snazzy and ready to impress, at least.

Out of all these blogging struggles, this is the one I struggle with the most. SEO is way above my head. I'm still trying to get my head around it and make sure I get all the keywords into my post. I've learned SEO once using all that I have - the Internet. And let me tell you, it's complicated as heck.
Being consistent with blog posts can be quite the juggling act, especially when you're trying to balance it with the chaos of school life. You know, it's awesome to serve up a steady dose of content for your readers' insatiable appetites, but hey, life's got a knack for throwing curveballs around the clock. After all, I'm just a student.
Technical/ coding
I love writing and blogging and all but the technical side of it? It's quite challenging for me. When something goes wrong with my template or theme, I don't know what to do with it most of the time. I have to Google lots of things and yup, this part requires lots of Googling, at least for me.
Remembering Twitter chats
I love blog chats on Twitter and being able to chat with them is just gorgeous but I guess because of the different time zones, I'm struggling to catch up with the chats. I have to stay awake usually until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning if I want to join the chat but I keep forgetting it! By the time I decided to join in the chat, it probably ended not a while ago lol.
These are so relatable, especially when it comes to consistency and traffic. Even after proving like really good blog posts, people just don't seem to read them as much. I always wonder whether it's because I mostly blog in English so the scope for English-readers are smaller or some other unbeknown factor. Thanks for this post!
ReplyDeleteOmg I thought so too! Maybe because I blog using my second language, my Malaysian readers don't really read them?? Hehehe you're welcome! :)
DeleteAlmost all of it. I do my photography with my Samsung smartphone too. It's really hard taking good ones with phone only. And the traffic is just uugghh, there are days when it's amazing and then other's when it's awful. I really loved this post btw and keep up the great work!
I know right! It's quite challenging to take few good ones. I spend usually 2-3 hours only on photography haha. Traffic sometimes can be disheartening though.
DeleteThanks! Glad you loved it xx
Consistency! lol I love blogging (feels like spilling everything almost everytime) but then there are things that I had to be aware too (privacy and such) I wish I could write more informational stuff or at least shedding positive spotlight upon reader !
ReplyDeleteLol I know how it feels! Having to hold yourself back and all. I totally can relate 😂
DeleteI feel ya. And loving your new template :3
ReplyDeleteGlad you can relate! Aww, thanks <3 it was on sale so I can't help it hehe!
DeleteWe are so same for that traffic issye and yeah, imma write still! That coding problem after using premade template is also such a fuss but i love the template so much I try my best to make do which mean hours of trying and frustrating.
ReplyDeleteTotally loving this post as now I know that I am so not alone.
Ohya, i need to improve my SEO skill. Arghh.
I knowww, I'll never stop doing things that I love. I'm so clueless when it comes to coding, you have no idea lol.
DeleteBabe, you're not alone! Glad we're on the same boat haha.
Arghhhh don't get me started on SEO hahaha!
Could relate with the whole consistency thing. I wonder how people could manage to post like everyday when I couldn't even write one lol
ReplyDeletebtw, new template looks so neat. And selamat hari raya too!
btw, new template looks so neat.
I really can't even if I try haha! It's indeed hard to be consistent.
DeleteThanks Rasya! Selamat hari raya too <3
Haha thanks. It was on sale so :D
We are same for all!! Bab consistency tu sangatlah payah nak buat. Plan nak update blog selalu tapi susah jugak. At least seminggu sekali pun jadilah. Asal ada =D
ReplyDeleteBab photography pun seksa jugak! And we are same! Ambil gambar guna phone dan edit guna phone jugak. Itu jela yang tahu guna. Hehe.
I'll never stop blogging too! Jom sama-sama kita kekal in blogging okay 😍
Btw, new template Lenne cantik!! Suka blog post font jugak. Font apakah itu? 😍 Comel
Susah sikit nak consistent kan sebab blog ni bukan main job kita hihi. Lenne pun macam tu jugak, dapat up 4/5 contents dalam sebulan pun dah kira okay lah tu :D
DeleteItu jelah yang ada sekarang ni, Siqah. Tak mampu lagi nak beli fancy camera hehehe.
InshaAllah Siqah~
Thanks Siqah! It was on sale kat etsy hehe so tak boleh lepaskan peluang right? Body font Lenne pakai Raleway. Sama jugak macam template lama tu cuma ubah size and line height kalau tak silap. Lenne suka Raleway! <3
Ooo Raleway!! Cantik font ni 😍
DeleteAgree dgn siqah ... Nadia pun suka tgk font dkt blog Lenne nie . =)
DeleteThanks Siqah and Nadiah! ❤
DeleteHahaha. Boleh relate semuanya dengan diri Fatin. Especially part consistency tu lah. Susahnya nak keep on the tracks. Blog pun dah lama terabai. Aduhai. Kena improve myself ni, but slowly I guess. Masa kadang-kadang tak menyebelahi T_T
ReplyDeleteIt's okay Fatin! Memang life comes first, blog ni bukan kita punya main source of income pun :) relax je, bila ada masa update. takda masa biar je loll
DeleteAll the things so true. Nadia pun mengalami same things .
ReplyDeleteSEO sampai sekarang tak faham how it works . Hihi
Consistency: Nadia lagi lah if ada mood nak update baru update bila tak ada mood tue terbiar kejap blog ku hihi
Part coding pun fail jugak sebab tue bila beli template baru hired je owner shop tue tlg download kan template and edit if ada pape changes Nadia nak. Hahaha
Traffic mmg always heartbreaking. Tapi , like you said it is not a reason that makes you stop blogging . Same with me here but sometimes de-motivated jugak tapi tak pe lah sebab buat blog pun utk memory nnt boleh baca balik bila hari tua ke hihi
Bab photography paling suka but agree with you as well . Hihi . Nadia pun pakai hp and edit pakai hp je eventhough ada camera tapi malas nak pakai camera. Lagi senang pkai phone kan. Then , part amik gmbr selalu if dtg mood nadia akan snap lah byk2 flatlay ke apa at that time then simpan . If nak pkai baru choose.
This entry is a good sharing sebab all the points relate to almost blogger , I guessed <3
mostly i struggle with the consistency and time management. you know when you already got the idea to write but then the time limit everything.
ReplyDeleteAtheera |
I totally get it but don't stress about it. Blog is not our main source of income anyway :)