Tea Time Vol. 3 | COVID-19 in Malaysia

Tea Time Vol. 3 | COVID-19 in Malaysia
Photo by CK Yeo on Unsplash

Hello, gorgeousness! How are you? It has been a really crazy past few weeks. To be honest, I didn't know whether or not I should speak up about the coronavirus but I feel like it is part of my duty as a member of the public BUT I am not here to give out any new information, I am not here to give you medical advice. I just wanted to give a quick little voice, maybe? As well as the social impact and what Malaysia has become since we had the COVID-19 outbreak.

As I am writing this at 12.30am on Friday, there have been 3116 cases, 767 have been discharged and currently 50 deaths in Malaysia. A little mix of good and bad news there. I feel like right now everything feels restrictive. We're not quite on lockdown but the FEELS though. Since then, schools have closed down, non-essential activities have been paused, restaurants are not allowed to dine-in you can only do takeaway, delivery or just a drive-thru. Most people have been asked to stay at home or work from home.

I really do commend how the frontliners have been handling the situation and urging the citizen to stay home. I think it's more important now that we listen to authorities and listen to the people who know what to do.

So, what's going on with me? Well, I am still working during this pandemic. It's weird and can be depressed at times seeing people stay at home while I am out here risking my life. No, I am not complaining. I am forever grateful that I still have a job. I heard some people went jobless during this pandemic because bosses are unable to pay them anymore. So this is the responsibility I have to carry and I hope with all the safety precautions I take, I can stop worrying.

I know life is not the same anymore. It feels really quiet and the sudden change really impacts some individuals. I know, I know. Isolating yourself from the public can be very, very challenging and to those people who are mentally drained from the situation just know that your feelings are valid. You're not stuck at home, you're safe at home. Just remember that.

What we can do right now as public is just to thank everyone who is still working at this time especially the medical professionals who are risking their lives. Thank them and be absolutely grateful that they're doing their work and all we have to do as members of the public is literally to stay at home. It's such a privilege to do that. Don't forget to wash your hands regularly, stay hydrated, don't panic. Be smart and stay calm about the whole situation and speaking of that, don't share everything you see on social media, don't deliberately share everything you get on WhatsApp because we don't know what's real or what's false. Only listen to trusted news and sources. Your mom cannot verify the news. Just saying.

Speaking of social media, I think it's also really important right now that we limit our social media and restrict it at all costs. I know it's very hard but sometimes getting all this information all at once can give you anxiety and overwhelm you. Please just try to take the news slowly. I am not one to scare you or make you feel nervous. I am here to tell you that it's gonna be okay soon, together we can make it better and flatten the curve.

Stay at home, stay safe and be seeing you ♡
#KitaJagaKita #FlattenTheCurve


  1. I agree at we should stop spreading every news from social media as we could be spreading fake news. It's not helping at all during this trying time, it'll only make people became more panic than we should already. Anyway, since you are working throughout this pandemic, make sure to take care of your health and always wash your hands! I wish you in good health always.!

    1. I will take all the safety precautions! Thank you, Lya. Stay safe xx

  2. I agree with you on how it can be quite depressing for those who need to work during this tough period. Stay strong and soldier on :)

