Finding Joy in Missing Out

Isn't it wild how social media was supposed to bring us closer together, yet it often leaves us feeling more alone?

Finding Joy in Missing Out

Apps like Instagram and Twitter (yeah, I still call it Twitter) are meant to bring us closer, but instead, they can make us anxious, insecure, and feeling like we're missing out. It's like stepping into a world where everyone's life seems perfect, and suddenly, our own reality feels lacking.

Navigating social media can be like walking through a minefield. There's so much going on, from offensive videos to fake product reviews and people constantly posting about their 'perfect' lives. No wonder we sometimes feel like we're missing out. Social media can be both a blessing and a curse. It's really up to us to figure out how to manage it for our own sanity.

The dreaded FOMO

Let's talk about FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out. It's something we've all felt at some point. I used to experience FOMO a lot. I'd watch creators or friends flaunt their shiny new makeup, and I'd feel like I needed to have it too. It got so bad that I started cutting my lunch budget just to save up for expensive lipsticks. I just wanted to feel like I had what they had, to be part of the fun.

I never told anyone this before, but I also felt FOMO when my friends went to university, and I didn't. I went to a polytechnic institute, and it felt embarrassing to admit that when everyone was talking about their universities. It took a toll on my mental health, and I eventually had to cut off some friends and quit Instagram because I was constantly comparing myself to them.

FOMO is just that sinking feeling you get when you think you need something to feel better or when you feel left out because you're not where everyone else is. It's feeling inadequate because you're not surrounded by people or missing out on the latest trend.

With social media constantly showing us the next best thing every week and society pressuring us to be in exciting and cool places in order to be happy, it's no wonder so many of us feel FOMO!

Embracing JOMO

But what if we swapped FOMO for its happier cousin, JOMO?

JOMO, or Joy Of Missing Out, is all about finding joy in not being part of everything. When you embrace JOMO, the things that used to seem so important start to feel insignificant.

Now, I know what you're thinking. JOMO isn't about saying no to every night out or every invite or never buying anything. It's about loving your own company, being grateful for what you have, who you already are, finding happiness in the simple things, and not letting social media dictate your happiness.

For me, I felt better when I started listening to podcasts instead of scrolling through social media endlessly. Living simply and intentionally, finding joy in small things, doing digital detox every month, and being comfortable with myself made all the difference. Now, I can look at social media without getting upset—I just feel happy for others and move on.

Finding joy in missing out

In a world obsessed with constant updates and instant gratification, JOMO is refreshing. It's about reclaiming your time and energy, focusing on real connections, and finding fulfillment in the present moment. Instead of chasing after every trend or feeling pressured to keep up, JOMO allows us to set our own pace and prioritize what truly matters to us.

Next time you feel the pull of FOMO, pause and embrace JOMO instead. Take time for yourself, enjoy the simple pleasures of life, and remember that social media is like a highlight reel. The real magic happens when you disconnect and find joy in the present moment. That's the real joy of missing out.

Do you have any tips for embracing the joy of missing out?


  1. I'm all for for JOMO! FOMO can cause low mood I feel as it can put anyone in a low mood. I'd rather find the JOMO than the FOMO! x

    Lucy Mary

    1. Absolutely! JOMO is the way to go. Embracing the joy of missing out just feels so much more freeing!

  2. Love of missing out. I also never went to university and didn't do things that lots of my peers were doing. We just got to focus on our own journey!

    1. Thanks so much! Totally agree—we all have our own paths to follow. Focusing on our own journey can be so liberating!

  3. I love this post! Reframing things is so important. Instead of thinking about what you're missing out on, think about what you gain from doing something different. Great post - it really made me think about my mindset :) x

    1. Thank you so much! Reframing can make such a difference in how we see things. It's amazing how a small shift in perspective can change everything!

  4. I resonate so much to this post. I find myself mindlessly scrolling social media and I constantly feel like I am missing out which I know is not healthy yet I cannot break the habit.
    I now know I need to reframe my thinking and start experiencing JOMO.
    This post will definitely change the way I now see things with practice x

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad to hear that the post resonated with you. It's so easy to get caught up in the social media whirlwind, isn't it? But embracing JOMO is such a game-changer for me. I'm right there with you, learning to appreciate those little moments offline <3

  5. I love reading your post! I used to be on team FOMO too. Now, I'm happy to say that I'm on team ROMO (Relief of Missing Out) or JOMO. I don't feel the need to attend every event that doesn't bring joy to my life. I'm grateful for what I have and I strive to live simply and intentionally.

    1. Thank you! I totally relate to the switch from FOMO to JOMO—it's such a freeing mindset, isn't it? Living intentionally and cherishing what brings joy is where it's at!

  6. JOMO is definitely good and necessary at times. I find that the less I post, the less I want to! x


    1. Absolutely! Taking a break from posting can feel so refreshing. I totally get what you mean—sometimes, the more I step back, the more I enjoy just being in the moment!

  7. 💫👌 FOMO is so overrated

