How to Stay Fit When You’re Not a ‘Fitness Person’

How to Stay Fit When You’re Not a ‘Fitness Person’

Let's be real — fitness can feel like a whole thing sometimes, right? You see people running 5Ks, doing CrossFit, and talking about HIIT workouts like it's their baby, and you're just here trying to figure out how to work out without feeling like you're dying. I get it. 

I've never been that person who wakes up at 5 AM to hit the gym, but staying fit doesn't have to be so intense like this. You don't need to spend early hours sweating it out or give up your favorite treats forever to stay healthy. In fact, there are some simple, less intimidating ways to approach fitness!

Fitness can be low-effort (and cozy!)

I personally think you don't need to go beast mode at the gym to stay fit — there are cozy, low-effort workouts that work wonders if you stay consistent. Here are a few that I've found to be effective without making me feel like I'm dying:

  • Walking: Seriously, don't sleep on a good walk. Pop on your headphones, listen to your fave music in gentle volume, and just stroll for hours. It's easy, relaxing, and seriously, it's the simplest cardio you'll ever do!
  • Stretching/Yoga: You don't need to be all bendy and stuff to get into yoga. Even a 15-minute stretching routine in the morning makes a difference. You'll be surprised at how strong you can get just by doing gentle yoga consistently.
  • Light strength training: Okay, I know weights can be intimidating, but you don't need to lift crazy heavy to see results. Grab some 3-5 lb dumbbells and do a few reps while you're watching TV — it's low-effort but works your muscles!

The key here is consistency. Even if it feels like you're barely doing anything, staying active regularly can bring about real changes. Plus, it's way more sustainable than a hardcore gym routine you'll burn out from (trust me, been there).

Demystifying fitness with simple tools

If the idea of tracking your fitness goals sends you into a spiral, don't worry — I've got you. One thing that helped me so much was learning about my body fat percentage and that it's nice to know your hard work is paying off.

I used this body fat calculator where you just input your height, weight, age, and gender, and bam — you get a better idea of where you stand. It's like a friendly little reality check that's not overwhelming but gives you a clearer picture of your progress.

I also use a workout calculator that pretty much tells you how many calories you're burning from different exercises. Honestly, it's been a game-changer for me, especially when I'm doing things like cleaning the house, walking, or light yoga and wondering if it even counts. (Spoiler: it does.)

Intermittent fasting and cutting sugar and carbs

When it comes to food, I try to be mindful, but I also believe in balance. I do sometimes cut back on carbs and sugar, and when it comes to snacks, I always swap them out for real fruits — strawberries, mangoes, and grapes are my go-tos!

Intermittent fasting has also helped me a lot — I'll usually fast for about 12 to 13 hours a day, and it's surprisingly manageable once you get into the rhythm of it. But don't get me wrong, I still enjoy my treats here and there because life is too short to not have milk tea boba every once in a while!

Keep it fun (because it should be!)

At the end of the day, fitness doesn't have to be something you dread. Treat it like a self-care. If you enjoy what you're doing, you're way more likely to stick with it. Whether it's a dance workout in your living room or just walking around the park more often with your buddy, the key is to find what makes you feel good. Also, don't beat yourself up if you're not consistent every single day — life happens. As long as you keep moving, even if it's just a little, you're doing great!

How do you stay fit without being a fitness person?


  1. Yes workouts should be fun! I am definitely a fitness person but on rest days I do enjoy to walk.


    1. Totally agree! Walking is such a nice way to stay active on those rest days without feeling like you're working out. It's like the perfect low-key activity! <3

