The Tiny Treasures 7

Why, hello there! Welcome to The Tiny Treasures – a cozy little corner of the internet where we celebrate life's smallest, sweetest moments.

It's that time of year again – the air's getting crisp, the days are shorter, and yes, we're deep into the "ber" months! I don't know about you, but I'm all about the autumn feels right now. How are you all doing? I hope your days have been filled with little joys, both the delightful and the not-so-delightful ones. We appreciate them all!

There's something special about the little things, not necessarily the fanciest ones, in our everyday lives. Here's another roundup of those heartfelt joys and tiny treasures that have graced my recent days.

The Tiny Treasures 7
The Tiny Treasures 7

일. A clean house. Nothing feels quite like the serenity of freshly swept and mopped floors and the faint scent of fresh cleaning products lingering in the air. 

이. Sliding into bed right after a midnight shower. 

삼. Discovering new feel-good films and actually loving them. You know when you watch a new movie, and it just clicks with you?

사. Calm and boring days. I used to dread those "nothing special" days, but lately, I've found so much comfort in them. It's like my soul needed a bit of quiet, and I'm finally listening.

오. Getting to FaceTime my faraway sisters every week. Even miles apart, there's nothing like those hours filled with laughs, random stories, and just feeling connected.

육. When customers tip just to cover transaction fees so we get the full amount. It's these little gestures from our sweet community that fill my heart to the brim. :')

칠. Marking five years since we first met. We hit a bit of a rocky patch on our anniversary (of all days), but somehow, life has a funny way of stitching things back together. We ended up spending three days straight together, exploring the town, reliving each moment as if it were our very first date, and it felt like pure magic.

팔. When the house is filled with familiar, happy voices and I know it's my family visiting.

구. Finding a new scent that somehow reinvented me as the same me, but better. Have you ever found a fragrance that feels like it was made just for you? I have, and it's like meeting an old friend who makes you feel seen and heard.

십. Rediscovering the carefree joy of childhood through my little niece. She's reminded me how fun blowing bubbles can be, how freeing it is to shout with joy, and the beauty of just living in the moment. Watching her grow up so quickly is a bit scary, but I'm excited to make the world a lovely place for her.

십일. Crunchy shine muscat grapes.

십이. Not having to rush anything and just letting things flow. For someone who is always on edge, these moments of slowing down have been like a breath of fresh air. Little life, slow down…

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What tiny treasures have been bringing you joy lately?


  1. Your post reminds me how special the little things are. It's the simple moments that truly bring joy. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It's always the little things that make life feel extra special to me. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post, Doris <3

  2. Ohh cute list. I'm a big fan of boring days and a clean house. It just fills me up!

    1. Thank you! <3 Ugh, same—there's just something so satisfying about a clean house and a calm, boring day!

  3. Love these tiny treasures! I get the joy in rediscovering childhood fun and finding new feel-good films. I’ve been soaking up my own little moments lately too. x

    1. Thank you! Isn't it the best feeling? Those little moments seriously make everything brighter. Glad to hear you've been soaking up your own tiny treasures too! We've got to hold onto those feel-good moments <3

