1. How to pronounce your nickname correctly?
Lenne = LEHN (it rhymes with "when")

2. What kind of camera do you use to take photos?
My phone's camera. I used to use Samsung Galaxy S4 but now I am currently using iPhone 15.

3. How do you edit your photos?
I just use Lightroom. Check out these posts for some smartphone photography tips:

4. What are your sources for beautiful stock photos?

5. How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging since I was 14 years old. Now I'm in my late 20 :)

6. Is lennezulkiflly.com your first blog?
Nope. This is my third blog. I relaunched this one in October 2015.

7. Do you edit your own blog?
I'm using a premade (and a little bit of custom) template from November Dahlia.

8. Do you blog full time?
No. I wish.

9. What is your skin profile?
Skin type: oily and acne-prone
Skin concerns: post-inflammatory hyperpigmentations, closed comedones
Skin tone: medium tanned with a neutral undertone

10. Do you always receive PR packages?
Nope, pretty much everything you see here is bought with my own hands.
If you're a brand looking to collaborate, feel free to reach out!

11. Are you a member of any affiliate programs?
Yes, I do! I include affiliate links in some of my posts, and I always make sure to mention it.
If you choose to shop through them, I earn a commission – at no extra cost to you. Whether you click the links or not, your support means the world to me and helps me keep doing what I love. Thank you!

Love always,
Lenne ✿